Written by: Magazine Team on January 8, 2018.
People and we together
People and we together: Our suggestion is to be careful and keep some acceptable distance to people who look like they are our friends but can not hide their lack of respect to our honest feelings.
Can sudden changes in relation between some people mean something? Looking from different points of view we can notice that some of those changes can have an impact on relations, at least on those honest ones. It does not have to be love relation. Very easily it also can be a situation where we think that some work colleague and we have got something in common but unfortunately one day we notice that it is not true. Our colleague experiences some changes that suddenly kills everything that we experienced as in common.
We must be careful and keep some acceptable distance to people who look like they are our friends but can not hide their lack of respect to our honest feelings.
A work colleague is actually almost a perfect example because there we can see that we in majority of all cases or even in all cases can admit to ourselves that creating friendship in our work life is mission impossible. Of course some people are lucky and their work does not appear to be reason for hidden competition between coworkers. On the other side if our work can create some kind of competition spirit between involved coworkers then we can say good bye to our colleagues because those will never become our friends.
Our suggestion is to be careful and keep some acceptable distance to people who look like they are our friends but can not hide their lack of respect to our honest feelings. The experience tells us that those people will show their real side one day and we will feel very
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