Written by: Magazine Team on May 27, 2014.
Justfindit.se the new Swedish crawler!
As the name sounds, yes Justfindit.se crawls through different websites. The content from your website can be published in all search results when you search with the words you decide. And that happens only if you use the crawler right!
The crawler that checks the websites
The crawler also has its own database in which we have stored some known phrases taken from randomly found javascripts which are used to damage computers used by your visitors. This kind of javascripts is called malware and it can be dangerous for the computers.
Today, it is possible for you to search for this harmful code at Justfindit.se but we are going to implement this function in our system which will show existing warnings in any search result. On that way you will be able to see if it is risky to visit some website or not.
This javascript code can be put in the website, directly or indirectly. Directly means that the code is put in the original html code and indirectly means that it is written in the code by e.g. some PHP script. PHP can be very dangerous and Justfindit.se will develope a tool for finding these scripts too. Today it is possible to recognize it but a improved version of this tool will be created and used to help all users of this new crawler.
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