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Written by: Magazine Team on September 19, 2021.

Autumn colors - it is time for a change

Autumn colors - it is time for a change. The true is that autumn can be experienced as a nice period. There is one situation maybe when we can be angry with autumn.

When summer period is close to its end we can notice one thing. Days are shorter. Early in the morning it is dark and we do not feel for going up. We would like to sleep longer. It is not like it was during the summer time and spring. The spring was inspirative with all new green, white and yellow colors. That period was a key into a nice summer time.

But now when we are here, just close to the autumn, we feel that we are closing a door behind us. It is partly a sad period. On the other side it has its own magic details. Colors! If you go out you can notice how trees lose their leaves and how leaves become yellow, brown and red. Something is happening. We can feel how nature is preparing for a long sleep.

Autumn colors - it is time for a change. A cloudy day. See how leaves become yellow, brown and red.

The true is that autumn can be experienced as a nice period. We just have to accept is as it is and we must use right clothes to avoid getting wet if it rains. If we are lucky, autumn can give us some great weather too. In worst case we will have to adapt to some rain.

There is one situation maybe when we can be angry with autumn. It is during working days when we must go to the school or job with bike. That can be negatively experienced, especially if it blows and rains much. Otherways, if we choose to go out without any stress then autumn and rain will not hurt us.

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