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Written by: Magazine Team on October 7, 2021.

Back in Copenhagen

Back in Copenhagen. Living in pandemic has made many people comfortable at home. Is it possible to go back to how it was before? This is just a short article about Copenhagen and the experience.

Yes, this article will describe in short how it feels to be back. If you have been working in Copenhagen for many years, you would feel some kind of connection to this city. Especially if you love cities and if you have a great feeling when you are there.

Maybe the whole situation generates positive vibes because of the office where you work. And maybe it is nice to be back because you like Copenhagen.

You can feel harmony. You can see life going on. People are moving in all directions. You can see cars, buses and bikes everywhere. The tempo is high but it still looks very comfortable and relaxing. Something is magic with this city. Something creates an inspiration and stimulates positive feeling.

Back in Copenhagen. You can feel harmony. You can see life going on. People are moving in all directions.

Unfortunately it is not easy to explain it if you can not feel it. That is how some people react. They are happy to be back in office in Copenhagen and others are not. Living in pandemic has made many people comfortable at home and that is why they have forgotten how it feels.

Being back in Copenhagen is something that contributes to well being even though the transport to and from this city can make it hard for you. Train traffic has problems often and car traffic can go slowly if you drive in wrong part of the day.

This is just a short article about Copenhagen and probably many of you understand it or you can find yourself in similar situation but with some other city.

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