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Written by: Magazine Team on December 18, 2021.

The snow - winter in December 2021

The snow - winter in December 2021. In southern Sweden it comes and stays just a short time. As soon as it comes almost every child rushes out and takes the opportunity to enjoy as much as possible.

When winter time comes many people naturally hope to get some snow. There are some who never love snow and they probably have some reason for that. However, how can we express our happiness?

The children are those who first react. They look through windows and hope to see some snowflakes. They really want to see them. If it is dark outside they look at the street lighting because it is easier to see if snow comes.

And when it comes, the happiness turns into desire to go out and play. What do the children do? What do the grown ups do? When the snow is there everything is possible for those with some kind of fantasy.

The snow - winter in December 2021. Here we can see children's creative building of a snow fort.

Go sledding is great if it is possible. It is fun and it can create nice experience. Snow war is also cool if everyone is careful. Creating igloos, forts and snowman is also good way to express creative ideas.

The winter in december 2021 in southern Sweden is almost like every other year. The snow comes and stays just a short time. As soon as it comes almost every child rushes out and takes the opportunity to enjoy as much as possible.

Both children and grown ups can love snow and winter on the same way and that is why this short happiness is worth every moment. Some people can prolong the happiness by ”buying” the snow if there is no more natural snow left. This is possible when you go for skiing and pay for it on places where the snow is created with snow machines.

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