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Written by: Magazine Team on July 17, 2014.

The renewable energy is something that Microsoft is betting on.

The renewable energy is something that Microsoft is betting on. They have plans to purchase 175 megawatts of wind energy from the Pilot Hill Wind Project in Illinois, about 60 miles south of Chicago. Wind_farm_header_contentfullwidth The Pilot Hill Wind Project - the image found on www.itproportal.com Google announced already in January that it had invested $75 million in a 182-megawatt wind farm called the Panhandle 2, located in Carson County, near Amarillo, Texas. The facility is set to start producing enough renewable energy to power 56,000 homes by the end of 2014. It is wonderful to see how non-polluting sources of energy that displace greenhouse gas emissions from conventional power are becoming more and more popular. And it is also great to see that 2 IT giants, leading corporations are investing in the sector based on their desire to positively impact the environment. Some text source: www.eweek.com

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