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Written by: A.Beganovic on August 14, 2015.

My story: Being on the top.

My story: Being on the top. If you can understand that feeling you will be able to understand why these adventures. Doing something unusual gives the feeling of being unique and successful.
I always dreamed about heights. I always admired mountains and snow. Something always made me happy when I saw a montain with the visible top. (I thought: I wonder what is there behind...) I remember when I was a little boy and my father took me and my younger brother up to a mountains just to experience the first snow. I have reached the top of Jahorina mountain 1914m and the top of a small mountain/hill on Rhodes 400m. 12 11 This time I have made my dream go true. I took a bike and came up to the hotel zone on Bjelasnica mountain, 2063 m. That hotel zone was not enough! My dear friend Zlatan and me went up to the top, the real one, and we together reached the 2063m height. It was great! It was wonderful. I would like to call it success! It opens the door for some new adventure. IMG_2655 IMG_2658 IMG_2664 IMG_2668 IMG_2673 IMG_2678 IMG_2688 IMG_2701 4000m and 6000m mountains in Austria or Switzerland are my next goals. After that I should be able to go for the 8000+ m mountain like K2 or Mountain Everest. See more at http://be.thecool.one/.   Why these adventures? How many people do you know who have done something different? And I mean something like climbing up to the top of some mountain. How many people do you know who has any kind of mobile device? Have you ever tried to imagine the feeling you get when you do something that no one in your surrounding has done? If you can understand that feeling you will be able to understand why these adventures. Doing something unusual gives the feeling of being unique and successful.

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