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Written by: Magazine Team on September 24, 2015.

The refugee crisis in the EU

The refugee crisis that surprised the European Union in these last months has now shown some weak points in the union. The members can not agree about the important issues like solidarity. From some points of view it is not so difficult to understand why some countries do not want to help while others want. Serbia, who is not the member of EU has without any problems let thousands of the refugees to pass through the country on their way to e.g. Germany and Sweden. Serbia also has prepared the places for them to stay but they are not interested in that. They just want to pass through. Hungary has built a huge wall on the border between them and Serbia and after the incidents that we could see there on the borderĀ  on many news was open again. After the refugees decided to continue through Croatia the situation became worse. The Croatian government decided to stop the whole traffic over the border between Serbia and Croatia. Croatia accuses Serbia for letting the refugees go to Croatia but Serbia just let all these people pass through, at their own, without any planned transportation. Croatia has created too many problems for many companies, not only the Serbian and Croatian but all other who have their transport ways through these two countries.   border reuters The screenshots that show many trucks on the border between Serbia and Croatia are from : http://www.reuters.com Hopefully the EU will take some serious talks with the Croatian government and make them understand that they are a part of the EU which means that they have to respect the rules, connection and the cooperation between the union and in this case Serbia. But from the 90's we can see that Croatia is not a problem solving partner, they want to do it on the shortest possible way and maybe if the EU now slowly is on the way to split, Croatia probably will be the one of the first ones who leaves the union. And at the end, it is a shame that the EU with Greece as closest to the Middle East lets all the refugees pass through to Macedonia and Serbia at the same time as Croatia as the second one entrance to the EU closes their border.

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