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Written by: Magazine Team on May 20, 2016.

Exoplanets - does anyone live there?

Exoplanets - does anyone live there? What kind of life do the scientist expect to find? Some people maybe think that there are people like we and animals like our animals but it does not necessary have to be so. The life can be in many different forms. Reading an article in the Danish online magazine Politiken we can see that NASA has some more information about new planets in the Universe. According to Politiken, NASA has identified some planets that are similar to the Earth and Mars. They are also on the similar distance to their stars like our Sun which rises the probability that there can be fluent water. And, as we know, water is something that is required for the life. Without water no life can be created. NASA has 4.696 planets as possible candidates for exoplanets, the planets that orbit a star other than the Sun. 1.284 planets have become confirmed with new results. According to Politiken, Ellen Stofan, the scientific leader at NASA says:
This gives us a hope about finding some another place like our planet Earth out there.
There are two specific planets that have been noticed, Kepler 1606 b and Kepler 1638 b. As Hans Kjeldsen (Professor in Astrophysics at Aarhus University in Denmark) says, these two are interesting because they move around a star with the temperature and the light strength that are similar to these at our Sun. exoplanets The photo from NASA, found at Politiken shows us some planets. On our Sun the temperature is around 5780 Kelvin, and on Kepler 1606 b and Kepler 1638 b it is 5536 and 5906 Kelvin. According to Hans Kjeldsen this new information about new Exoplanets gives us a new hope but we have to wait 5-10 years before we actually can know more about some possible life there. What kind of life do the scientist expect to find? Some people maybe think that there are people like we and animals like our animals but it does not necessary have to be so. The life can be in many different forms. Even here on the Earth we can see strange animals down on the bottom of Pacific. They have never seen the sunlight but they live there. In very dark, cold and empty environment. If they discover some new life maybe it is just plants. Big green forest all over the planet. No other life. On the other side there maybe are just animals without any ability to communicate with human beings. Of course our scientists really hope to get in touch with some similar creatures so we hopefully can develop communication on some way.   (The source of same parts of this content is from Politiken. )

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