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Written by: Magazine Team on May 28, 2016.

CV - can that change your future?

CV - can that change your future? Is it the education or employment we are talking about as most relevant details or is it the other experiences that can be interesting for someone who reads your own CV? The structure of the written overview in it should be clear and easy to  follow. All people today have some kind of education, job experience, other skills experiences and of course references connected to all these areas. That is good, especially when people have some kind of document that can show all these details. In our world it is called CV which means Curriculum Vitae and it is a written overview of a person's  experiences and other qualifications during the whole life.  The Curriculum Vitae is a Latin expression which can be translated as "the course of my life" according to the explanations that we can find online at Wikipedia . There are different rules about how a curriculum vitae should be written and all of them are basically similar. The goal is to show the own experiences and other qualifications as good and as short as possible. Is it the education or employment we are talking about as most relevant details or is it the other experiences that can be interesting for someone who reads your own CV? That is not easy to answer but the structure of this written overview should be clear and easy to follow. When people search job and when they register their own accounts online at some job searching websites then there are some different forms to fill and if you are registered at more than one of these websites, it can be boring to do the whole process from the beginning, again and again and again. If you have an online CV, visible to everyone, than you can put your link where ever you search jobs. That sounds very simple but unfortunately it maybe is not as good as you fill all forms again and again at all websites. On the other side it can be worth to try. You could instead write a good personal letter about your self and explain that you have an online CV that can be found on some web address. That can also look more professional. Recently, a CV manager Tool has become released by Begacom IT Business. The tool makes it easy to present yourself online as clear as possible and as easy as possible. The CV has support for 4 languages and if you wish to describe all your qualifications in these languages you can do it. The emphasis is put on education, employments, skills, projects and references but there is also possibility to write some more information if it is something that you really would like to do. The CV looks good in the mobile version and it can be edited in desktop version only.   cv-gui The image shows us the GUI of the CV Manager Tool. That is what appears online. The example is at cv.begacom.eu   cv-gui The image shows us the admin part of the CV Manager Tool. That is what appears when you log in online. As the user and administrator of the CV manager Tool you can inactivate or activate what you would like to show online. E.g. if you are not involved in any project than you simply can inactivate that part of your CV and the rest will remain visible. The tool will probably be updated in the future and it will get even other functions if some user wishes to add a functionality. Using it can be a great experience since it is not complicated to use and it feels personal when it is online.

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