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Written by: A.Beganovic on April 29, 2014.

Some interesting analysis

With my background in science (loving analysis, statistics and comparing), I am now allowing myself to publish an interesting article about an analysis that I unconsciously during last 7 years have done. It is based on my own experience.  The article will describe 2 following themes: 1. Technology and human factor 2. Human behavior I just want to emphasize that the area where the analysis is done is an international and very populated area. I am talking about The Oresund Bridge that connects Malmoe in Sweden with Copenhagen in Denmark. In between there is a International airport which means that there are many different people passing through. I also want to emphasize that the analysis covers two train trips over the bridge. One of them is in the morning between 07.00 and 09.30 and one is around 16.00-16.30 or around 18.00-18.30 . So, it is an "around 2500-times - trip" over the bridge and not something temporarily.  2500 because I do not count vacation days and other type of absences.   Technology and human factor During these 7 years and 2500 trips over the Oresund Bridge, the train never had serious accidents. With serious accidents I implicitly mean crashes, fires or explosions which could be devastating for people on the train. There have been smaller problems which caused irritating delays. Problems were caused by the human factor or nature or their cause simply could not be found and prevented in time. I would like to express my satisfaction because the technology is so developed today so we do not need to experience any disasters. And even if there is some human factor involved in some situation we should still be happy because the technicians are able to fix problems - although it takes too long time sometimes. The only and important exception is the winter time when many problems come because of low temperatures and snow. Since we are in Scandinavia it should automatically be possible to manage the winter time and I suppose that the human factor is huge problem in this case. The responsible persons are simply not prepared which is very bad. I personally have been stuck because of some delays caused by problems not more than 50-60 times during all these trips and I think it is acceptable when we are talking about 2500 trips.   Human behavior How should people behave? What is right and what is wrong? Even if we do not have rules for all situation, people in our modern society should be able to think. What is "Appropriate" and "inappropriate" ?  What will other people think and how are they going to feel if I do this or this?  What is the morality? During these 7 years I have noticed that many people know how to behave but I have also noticed those who do not care about their environment. I have been in the same train with thousands of other people but I can approximately and easily say that there have been around 100 cases there people differed from the majority simply because they ignored these non-written or even written rules. The question is then, what affects people and their relation to these rules? I think it is: 1. Lack of education 2. Lack of respect 3. People did not have opportunity to learn "how to behave" because at home they didn't have any good example.   There must be even more factors but these are just an example of what could be a possible reason of bad behavior.   Some people simply do not know the difference between "being at home" and "being in some public place" which is scary. That is not a good sign for the future of our society.

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