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Written by: Magazine Team on July 19, 2016.

Drinking coffee - good or bad?

Drinking coffee - good or bad? Morning. Rush time. Lifestyle with new beginning. What give us better feeling than a cup of new fresh coffee? But is that good or bad for us? Talking about people who drink coffee, it is usually so that we drink a cup of it when we wake up in the morning and that is one of the first things we do.  During the day we probably drink some more cups and it can be different from day to day, simply depending on the circumstances. Maybe we are invited to someone or maybe we are stressed at the work or maybe because we feel tired. Some people also combine drinking coffee with smoking. That option is maybe not to recommend since smoking is dangerous for health but how is it with coffee? Is that dangerous? In an article written in 2014 we can see that coffee has a long history of being blamed for many ills. According to that article there are some claims that we can find connections between it and heart disease and cancer. But that article also explains that recent studies show that it may not be so bad after all. The studies have generally found no connection between coffee and an increased risk of cancer or heart disease. In fact, most studies find an association between its consumption and decreased overall mortality and possibly cardiovascular mortality, although this may not be true in younger people who drink much more. This article also explains that the studies have shown that coffee may affect us positively against Parkinson's disease, type 2 diabetes and liver disease, including liver cancer.  It also appears to improve cognitive function and decrease the risk of depression. On the other side a high consumption of e.g. Espresso, Latte or Cappuccino has been associated with mild elevations in cholesterol levels. Two or more cups of these a day can increase the risk of heart disease in people with a specific — and fairly common — genetic mutation that slows the  breakdown of caffeine in the body. As it sounds:
 Your health risk depends on how quickly you metabolize coffee.
Adding cream and sugar to coffee adds more fat and calories which in some situations can be 500 calories. Maybe, if we care about our lifestyle, we should change it little bit. Even though some of us love to take Latte or Cappuccino in the morning when it is a rush time we should consider changing to a simple coffee without additives and that could be a new beginning for our lifestyle. drinking coffee Latte Bolsjoj: Adding cream and sugar to coffee adds more fat and calories which in some situations can be 500 calories. The information about the positive side of coffee mentioned above is confirmed in an article found in one Swedish online newspaper, where a Swedish toxicologist has explained that it can be good against Parkinson's disease, diabetes but also Alzheimer. She also explains that if we decide to stop drinking it we have to understand that we will feel more tired and our body will not be able to clean it self as it does when we drink coffee. In many companies the employees are socializing with each other while drinking coffee so this part of our life can be negatively affected if we stop doing like that. According to another article connected to this subject, this Swedish online newspaper gives us some positive details about the coffee:

1. We can be slimmer which is positive especially if we dream about that. 2. We are happier because antioxidants in it make us feel good. 3. The risk for diabetes decreases. 4. It help us against depression. 5. We can become smarter because the concentration increases. 6. Our performance and endurance become better which is good for training.

Finally, this article simply explains that drinking coffee is not dangerous but in some situations it can give problems with e.g. sleep, heart palpitation and headache if we get an caffeine overdose so an recommendation is simply not to exaggerate. Two or three cups should be enough per day.   (The sources of same parts of this content are found at  mayoclinic.org  and also translated from expressen.se.)

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