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Written by: Magazine Team on December 21, 2016.

EuroBonus points like a lottery!

EuroBonus points like a lottery! Do not trust SAS and Austrian Airlines cooperation any more. They are not customer friendly as they were before! Will you end up as a fooled traveler or are you going to earn some new points is the question. The cooperation between SAS and Austrian Airlines appears not to be a fully trusted cooperation. By using different flight classes Austrian Airlines makes it impossible to earn EuroBonus points and SAS on the other side enjoys that situation. So who is the guilty one? Whose fault is that passengers can not earn points. Here you can read a very simply explanation that comes from SAS support:
Thank you for your request for retroactive EuroBonus points. We regret that on this occasion we are unable to meet your request. Your ticket with Austrian Airlines was booked in L–class and tickets issued in this booking class do not qualify for EuroBonus points. Please find more information about eligible booking classes on our web page: https://www.flysas.com/Templates/FlexiblePage.aspx?id=216806 We apologize for inconvenience.
The similar explanation you can get from the company where you by your ticket. But sadly no one is able and/or willing to explain why. The fact that it is about a "not earning point" class we are talking about does not mean anything. They do not want to explain why that unlucky Class L does not generate EuroBonus points. However, what can you as a passenger try to do before buying the ticket? Eurobonus points like a lottery! The image found at http://vandringsman.blogspot.dk .  Can we trust the SAS and Austrian Airlines cooperation as before? The company that sells those tickets maybe can provide you with the information so you can decide whether you will buy the ticket or not. If you do not try to find it out then you are in the risk zone. Buying that ticket can be experienced like some lottery game where whether your destiny is determined by classes. Will you end up as a fooled traveler or are you going to earn some new points is the question. Do not trust SAS and Austrian Airlines cooperation any more. They are not customer friendly as they were before!

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