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Written by: A.Beganovic on April 13, 2017.

Cruel business - when power is against humanity!

Cruel business - when power is against humanity! Today many companies have their different programs for collecting points when we buy something from them. It can be some product or some service but if you are their member you can earn some points. Aftonbladet and their cooperation with SAS does / did not work properly. Today many companies have their different programs for collecting points when we buy something from them. It can be some product or some service but if you are their member you can earn some points. That kind of business has become so developed that earning points is something that many people take advantage of. One of those companies is SAS (Scandinavian Airlines). They offer EuroBonus points and they have cooperation with some different companies. One of them was also visible on the website as image below shows us: Aftonbladet, the Swedish newspaper (Aftonbladet Plus more exactly). Cruel business - when power is against humanity! Print screen from SAS website where we can see different companies where customer can earn EuroBonus points.   We have a situation where a man is collecting SAS EuroBonus points. Some years ago he decided to subscribe at Aftonbladet online version because this Swedish newspaper agency had a cooperation with SAS at that time. He simply wanted to get 500 EuroBonus points for becoming a subscriber/customer and  it was a very good start. Cruel business - when power is against humanity! Print screen from Aftonbladet website where we can see an offer for subscribing at their online newspaper. Before it was possible to earn EuroBonus points.   Everything went well for this man mentioned above but in the beginning of 2016 he decided to stop his Aftonbladet subscription because he did not want to pay any more. He did not have a need for it any more. When he tried to cancel the subscription online he got an offer that was written something like this:
Remain a subscriber during the whole 2016 and you will get 2000 EuroBonus points extra.
  With no doubt he continued his Aftonbladet subscription during the whole 2016. He also got confirmed by Aftonbladet that he will get 2000 EuroBonus points in the end of 2016. Cruel business - when power is against humanity! Print screen from E-mail inbox where we can see that Aftonbladet support confirmed that their customer will get 2000 EuroBonus points in the end of 2016.   But in the beginning of 2017 something happened. He got no new EuroBonus points. An employee at Aftonbladet really tried to help. It took 4 months for him to get it confirmed by SAS that no points will be given (Confirmed=SAS did not care about the case). This supporter had no answer why, but helplessly he decided to pay back all money from 2016 when this fooled subscriber at Aftonbladet asked for a refund. Cruel business - when power is against humanity! Print screen from from E-mail inbox where we can see that Aftonbladet support decided to pay back all money from 2016 which was very good decision.   The question is who is guilty? Aftonbladet and their cooperation with SAS does / did not work properly. Is it Aftonbladet or SAS who should be blamed for this kind of  business is not easy to decide but according to earlier experiences with SAS and earning their EuroBonus points I must tell that this is one more proof of their cruel business. Cruel business - when power is against humanity! Print screen from magazine.justfindit.se where we can see a similar situation where SAS is not able or willing to satisfy their customer with EuroBonus points.   We are talking about deception and we can also see an another case in magazine.justfindit.se about this cruel behavior. SAS simply wants to dominate and they step on other people since they do not take their responsibility in any ways.

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