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Written by: Magazine Team on May 31, 2017.

Something different - why not?

Something different - why not? What kind of jobs do we prefer? Some people prefer offices with dress code and some people prefer working in a laboratory wearing protection clothes but what about something different like cleaning windows on some high building? What kind of jobs do we actually prefer? Is some job where we can be outside more interesting than different jobs in some office? Well, some people like it more inside but some people prefer to be outside. At least during a nice sunny summer day working outside could maybe be great, depending on what we do of course, but probably some jobs outside could be a nice experience. At least it looks like it is so when we look at it from other point of view. Some people prefer offices with dress code and some people prefer working in a laboratory wearing protection clothes but what about something different like cleaning windows on some high building? Something different - why not? Avisen.dk :  You can earn 209 DKK / hour as window cleaner in Denmark. This information is from 2012 but probably it is similar also nowadays.   According to www.avisen.dk  it looks like the salary for cleaning windows is acceptable. This mentioned article is 5 years old but the information about how much you can earn should be similar today. And is it dangerous? We have not asked anyone who is working with this but if you are afraid of heights maybe this kind of job is not for you. Other ways it looks pretty stable to hang there close to the building. However if you are some brave person then cleaning windows could be interesting experience if you have nothing to do and feel for some different experience. And if you enjoy being in sunshine then you probably can get a free and great sunburn!

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