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Written by: Magazine Team on June 8, 2017.

Corruption in Sweden - new cheating method

Corruption in Sweden - new cheating method: The Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test is a key to University studies and that can be appreciated especially if you did not get perfect grades during the high school studies. Why do people cheat? According to an article in Swedish online magazine Aftonbladet and Swedish Television SVT we can see that a new cheating method on the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test has been discovered. We can see that some test supervisors are willing to take money from cheaters. They simply take a picture of the actual test and send it further to cheaters. We call this phenomenon corruption. It is dangerous. But how come it happens in Sweden? We all know that this country is something special, something that reminds us on how everything good is possible. Sweden has given a good life to many people. Sweden still gives a good life to many people but what happens inside the country despite all those good things? Are all positive things on their way to be replaced by all negative things and is that process possible to stop? We can still ask ourselves:
Why do people cheat on the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test? Why do they cheat at all?
The Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test is a key to University studies and that can be appreciated especially if you did not get perfect grades during the high school studies. What lies behind every attempt to cheat on the test? Do all those cheaters want to get some University diploma and work as e.g. doctors, teachers, engineers, lawyers because they want to contribute with something well or do they actually dream about the money and success only?  Yes this question is good and the answer would be: Shame on you who try to cheat! Corruption in Sweden - new cheating method Image found at www.aftonbladet.se (Taken by Bertil Enevåg Ericson / TT). The Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test is a key to University studies.   Unfortunately we can see that corruption is growing. We can not prevent it. During the last 30 years Sweden has changed, it has become modified on many ways and also technical development makes it easy for everyone to do what should not be done.
The corruption opens all doors for our new society: A place where we get new doctors, teachers, engineers, lawyers and others so easy!  And can we trust those? No, we can not!
What can a doctor or engineer do if he or she has got their diploma by abusing the Internet and other technical development for passing the Swedish Scholastic Aptitude Test and probably all other tests during the education? They can kill people and they can destroy everything else that was build up before their time. Everything that was build up for them and their better future. We can just hope that our government will take care of all involved in this kind of corruption because otherwise our future is in danger.

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