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Written by: Magazine Team on July 5, 2017.

Incomplete - when it interrupts

Incomplete - when it interrupts: When something we plan actually remains incomplete or interrupted instead of being completed we always react with some level of dissatisfaction. Remember that the next time you will complete it with pleasure! Probably many of us have experienced that we could not complete our race to the top or complete our checklist for our goals. We created a checklist that contains some of our goals but something went wrong. Something interrupts the whole process and we are not able to complete the checklist. What can we do about that? Actually the whole situation depends on what happened. What was the reason for the interruption? Is this interruption just something temporary or will it remain for ever? If something is temporarily incomplete then there is some hope about that we can complete it next time. When something we plan actually remains incomplete or interrupted instead of being completed we always react with some level of dissatisfaction. But if we had to do something else, maybe something more important instead of completing our plan or our checklist, then we can feel better. That is when we experience a temporary interruption. Incomplete - when it interrupts The image is found on www.batimes.com  - When the checklist is incomplete and you are interrupted. Something interrupts the whole process. What can we do?   We then know that this incomplete thing can be completed next time. We know that we have a new opportunity and we know that "This time I had to something more important" was the real reason instead of "I tried but I gave up because it was not doable". So when your plan to do something is incomplete it does not mean that you did not succeed. Remember that the next time you will complete it with pleasure! New energy and strong feeling of joy of being able to complete something that was initiated but interrupted.

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