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Written by: Magazine Team on August 30, 2017.

Motivation to go on

Motivation to go on: Feeling that you and your work are appreciated can have a positive impact on further work. Building up a loyalty in the company is so to say very important. Every human being needs to feel that something he or she is doing is appreciated. Can we then expect that someone will do his or her tasks properly if they do not feel motivated? In some cases also different kinds of inspiration can contribute a better motivation. (More about that you can read in this magazine article.) Motivation in terms of what we just described is important. Just to emphasize, here we are writing about how it can be at the work. Feeling that you and your work are appreciated can have a positive impact on further work. Building up a loyalty in the company is so to say very important. Motivation to go on Image found at: gregorybknapp.com . Being motivated: Feeling that you and your work are appreciated can have a positive impact on further work.   If the motivation dies and we do not see a common future in our work then we can not count on some good development. Unfortunately lack of it can lead to negative impact on our work which means that we have to act very fast and find some good solution within short time if we want to repair the damages. There can be many reasons for death of motivation but if it leads to loosing some colleague or colleagues then we have to replace that loss and that is not easy especially if it requires to get someone with similar skills. There also can be many ways of trying to keep the motivation grow. But if your business is going through some bigger changes, then there probably is high risk of going in some negative direction when talking about motivation and inspiration. Motivation to go on is something that all of us need. If we show respect to the need of it then we are on good way towards success.

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