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Written by: Magazine Team on September 6, 2017.

Espresso house - double shame

Espresso house - double shame: We are talking about Malmö (Malmoe) in Sweden. Big cafe, Espresso House, in the most central part of the city, owned by someone very stingy who does not really care about how it is in real life. A sunny Sunday when you want to take a coffee and sit outside you carefully have to think what cafe you choose. Some experiences tell us that there are cafes with high standard but on the other side we can assure you that there are very bad ones - those where you can not choose some nice table because it is full of dirty dishes and leftovers.  There is a double problem. We can explain that as follows: Big cafe, Espresso House, in the most central part of the city, owned by someone very stingy who does not really care about how it is in real life. He has given job to some young girls without thinking if they can manage a high work load when many guests come.  Are they able to clean free tables at the same time as they serve new ones? Those young girls are also not instructed to present two existing prices. They choose to give the more expensive alternative anyways. That is what we experienced each time we ordered something. Espresso house - double shame Espresso house: Some experiences tell us that there are cafes with high standard but on the other side we can assure you that there are very bad once.   As we wrote above, a big cafe in the most central part of the city. We are talking about Malmö (Malmoe) in Sweden. Despite the high work load described above we have noticed that there are people, guests, who do not care about removing their glass and cups from the tables.
We can say that it is horrible to see the combination of bad service and bad guests. All other guests do not feel welcome anymore because of this.
Big and known cafe with bad service and not cultivated guests who leave all their dirt behind them at the same time as they collect Facebook likes for their selfies in a cafe like this. Double shame  - who to blame?

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