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Written by: Magazine Team on October 19, 2017.

Triss lottery in Sweden

Triss lottery in Sweden: Yes it is a nice little scrape lottery. But there is something annoying. Depending on where you buy the lottery you have more or less chances to win something. A very popular lottery in Sweden is Triss. It is a scrape lottery. If you get three same values then you win. There is also one extra field that you can scrape. It multiplies your values one, two, or ten times or it gives you one more chance to get a third same value if you got only two. Yes it is a nice little scrape lottery. But there is something annoying. Depending on where you buy the lottery you have more or less chances to win something. As it is, our experience tells us that it goes better in shops/stores with many customers. If we take some random Pressbyrån store as an example (the one at Hyllie train station in Malmö) we can see how bad it is. One of the latest tries to win something resulted in nothing. We bought four lotteries and all of them were empty. It was nothing to win. Triss lottery in Sweden Image found at alltominget.se . Suddenly it happens! How do they do? How do they decide who can win and who can not win? It is all about money.   How do they do? How do they decide who can win and who can not win? It is all about money. They want to win much before they can let us win something at all. That is how it works. Their economy decides all rules. They use to say:
Suddenly it happens! (Plötsligt händer det!)
But that is not so easy to believe because there is someone who decides that four empty lotteries should go first and then some next customer can hope that workers at Pressbyrån pick up some lottery that can give him or her at least the lowest amount of money. So "suddenly" as destiny in this case does not exist if we look at our experience with buying Triss at Pressbyrån or other similar small stores.

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