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Written by: Magazine Team on November 29, 2017.

Money - connection between us

Money - connection between us: During the history we can see both negative and positive role of the money but the truth is that our existence and lifestyle today depends on how much of it we actually have. Around 15000 BC people lived in different tribes. They hunted and created trust with each other. But it was not easy to create that trust and cooperate with everyone. People could kill each other for survival but with time they learned to manage relations by using barter. Today it is the money that connects us. It is something we need for survival. Amount of money shows if we are rich or poor and if countries are strong or weak. We can see huge industries and people with billions. On the other side we can see poor countries and people who live on the edge of their existence. During the history we can see both negative and positive role of the money but the truth is that our existence and lifestyle today depends on how much of it we actually have. There are different types of businesses and they generate money on different ways. Some of them do that very fast and others do that slower. We have huge companies who can control the financial development while some companies never get a real chance to become big enough. And there are some companies that simply die already in the start just because all others have established control in many fields. Money - connection between us Money - connection between us: Russian, Swedish and Danish banknotes and coins are just an example. Their can describe some periods of our lifetime.   Looking at different banknotes and coins we can see our history and period when they were used. They describe our society and give us a picture of how it looked then and how it looks today. Can we imagine our life without money today? More or less we only use our cards or Internet for payment today. Many people do not see banknotes and coins some longer time. But the questions is if we would be able to continue our lives without money, visible or not visible. Is it something that never will disappear? The future will probably show us but right now this subject is open for discussions.

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