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Written by: Magazine Team on April 20, 2018.

Is this job the right one or not?

Is this job the right one or not? When we get a job we then have a great opportunity to create new contact network and get new experience. From that point of view we then can look around us and see if that is the right place for us. Can we ever be sure that the job we are doing is the right one? What are the signs that we should look at to be sure that we have made a right choice? For most of us it is very important to get a foot in to some business. Mostly it is because we have to start somewhere if we do not have other options. When we get a job we then have a great opportunity to create new contact network and get new experience. From that point of view we then can look around us and see if that is the right place for us. What is it that tells us whether we are on the right place or not? Here are some of the signs that we carefully should look at:
1. Do we enjoy coming to our office? 2. Do we like our colleagues and do they respect us? 3. Do we look forward going home from work every day? (Everyone does that but in this case it is more like the way of showing that that is crucial.) 4. Are we tired of our work and what is the real reason for that? 5. Do we actively search for some new job within the company or somewhere else? 6. Do we hear negative or positive reaction about our way of working?
  The points mentioned above are examples of questions that maybe can help us to analyze our working situation. Is this job the right one or not? Image found at turningpointboston.com . When we get a job we then have a great opportunity to create new contact network and get new experience.   It is of course great if we go to the office without any negative thoughts and it is great when we hear appreciation and positive words about our way of working. If we also feel that we have a great connection to people we work with then it should mean that we are happy in our office doing the job we do. But does it really mean that we are happy with the job we do if we are happy with everything else in the office? That is of course open for discussion but the conclusion we can write here is following:
If we were so unhappy with the job we do, then nothing could keep us there for a long time.
  Sometimes we simply have to keep doing what we do just because we need money for living but if we were so unhappy with it then we probably would try to find some other solution.

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