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Written by: Magazine Team on September 11, 2018.

Telenor and cellular coverage

Telenor and cellular coverage. As soon as we start our internet use in Copenhagen, at the central station, we can discover that E network is there instead of 3G or 4G. But why is it so? How many times did it happen that we felt angry and irritated because of the Internet? We all know that it can happen every day, and often when the cellular coverage is bad. We have tried and investigated how bad coverage it can be. Our test is done in Copenhagen, the capital city of Denmark. The biggest city in the area close to Sweden. Together with Malmö in Sweden, Copenhagen represents a very populated area. We are talking about 2 million people. We have different internet and phone providers. As an example Tele2 works almost perfect in this area. Telenor is on the other side worse. With their weak cellular coverage we truly can not be proud internet users. In the heart of Copenhagen, at the central station, very often, if not whole time, we can experience the problems. As soon as we start our internet use, we can discover that E network is there instead of 3G or 4G. But why is it so? Information about E network found at www.telenor.se  is:
"E" stands for Edge, which is a 3G-standard for 2G/GSM-network that makes it possible to surf in 2G-network but with higher speed than with the GPRS.
  Telenor and cellular coverage Image found at www.teknikhype.se  . As soon as we start our internet use we can discover that E network is there instead of 3G or 4G. Why is it so?   It is strange that Telenor does not explain that E network is slower than 3G or 4G. It is also strange that they do not explain why it is so on the places where we do expect normal and good coverage as it should be in the middle of big cities. Comparing to the central station in Copenhagen it is more normal at airport Kastrup, outside of the city. On the bridge between Sweden and Denmark it is not always as it should be especially in the tunnel under water where the coverage interrupts. It is understandable that it is possible to experience problems on those two places because there is the national border and it is also deep under the water surface. However, if we should choose now we should choose Tele2 instead of Telenor.

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