What do you know about tennis? What do we know about tennis? Actually, besides the fact that it is a good sport, it also is very good for both physical and mental health.
Let say that we decide to play one hour. Free style without counting points or regular game. No matter what we choose, that hour of tennis can give us:
All five points are good for us. It gives positive feeling especially if we know that our game results appear to be better each time we play tennis. (This last sentence sounds like a general rule in sports.)
Is this sport easier to succeed with than soccer or other team sports? We can have a discussion about this every day but what can we think about when we compare tennis to e.g. soccer?
Tennis as a single man sport is comparable to soccer as team sport. That is, in single man sport we know who we are dealing with. We know that we can succeed if we are good. Since we can participate in tournaments it gives us an opportunity to get visible. On the other side, in soccer or other team sport, it can always be someone else who is more important than we. Someone will always try to give more opportunity to someone else who is ”more important” in the team.
In tennis you decide. You decide how much you practice and how much time and money you spend on your training. Since you are the only one player, no one can push you back even if it is visible that you really fight for playing better.
If you love and enjoy tennis then you probably will be able to reach success. If that goal is impossible then you at least can play instead of remain sitting on the team benches.