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Written by: Magazine Team on May 16, 2020.

Corona against life and business

Corona against life and business. The Corona virus attacked people, lives and business. Is 5G involved in virus development and is it affecting humans and their immune defence?

Corona virus (COVID-19) was identified first time in December 2019 in Wuhan in China. It also reached other parts of the world. It attacked Italy and other European countries in the beginning of 2020. Denmark and Sweden are so close to eachother but they appeared to be so different in fight against Corona.

In March 13 2020, the Swedish newspaper Sydsvenskan.se wrote in an article that majority od people will be infected by this Corona virus and thousands of people in Sweden will die because of it.

They were right. The estimation of numbers was right. Yesterday, on May 15 the total number of those who died because of Corona in Sweden was 3646.

Concern and panic became present in Europe

Denmark closed its borders in March 14 just to stop tourists/foreigners to come in and contribute to the virus spreading. In Norway and other countries similar actions were done.

In Sweden, the experts recommended not to do like Denmark and other countries did. The Danish gouvernment was wrong according to the Swedish experts. Were those experts right? That will be possible to know first when the crisis is over.

Many people, thousads of them, suddenly lost their jobs. In hotels and in restaurants many workers were not needed any more. Loosing their jobs sounded like a disaster.

The Swedish Riksbanken decided to lend up to SEK 500 billion to companies via the banks. The aim was to maintain the supply of credit to Swedish companies. A strong country with financial power did not want to see the business world go down. But it did not help much because many small businesses did not want to take extra loans.

Corona against life and business
Corona against life and business - many people died and many people lost their jobs because of this virus.

People's greed

The Corona virus attacked people, lives and business. It attacked economy and it created insecure world. Suddenly people in Sweden became very greedy in the start phase. Thinking on themselves only, they emptied super markets and they did not leave enough to others. That first period was hard. Just like in a horror movie, some people in Sweden became beasts without any compassion for others.

Probably similar situation was in other European countries too. Selfish humans were in action. How serious was that?

Ignoring recommendations

In the period of time between March 12 and May 16 we could see approx. 400-800 newly infected people every day in Sweden. The selfish behavior contributed in spreading the virus. We can ensure every reader that we have been following news and social medias but also we have seen with our own eyes how people can become more dangerous than what they fear. In this case we are the witnesses of how people can become more dangerous than the virus. How is that possible?

The gouvernment and experts recommended different things for security. Some of those are keeping physical distance, social distance and avoiding social activities. But people ignored that. E.g. Pubs and restaurants in Stockholm (and other cities) were full of people. Families arranged birthday parties but also other parties. Parents sent sick children to schools and day cares. That is just concrete examples where we can see selfish behaviour.

Swedish experiment and conspiracy theories

Many countries in Europe and other places closed almost everything during a period. They saved lives and minimized virus spreading. Going out became almost probitited if it was not covered by temporarily decided rules. Sweden and ”Swedish experiment” as many called it, with recommendations only, was hopefully the right solution but the true answer about that will have to wait until the pandemic is over and the virus is absolutely under control.

However, also conspiracy theories became popular. Even if they sounded as very logical they were not presented as true. One of them maybe could appear to be true if scientists get right to prove it. It is about 5G affecting humans and their immune defence. At least in highly developed and rich countries the scientist should get an opportunity to test and investigate 5G and its effect.

Living with Corona virus, COVID-19, is something that will change human lives and help the billionaires to be yet richer since their greed will never end. Creating virus and creating vaccine against it is something that can generate great profit on our planet.

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