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Written by: Magazine Team on June 4, 2014.

Thank you Denmark!

The internal conflicts within the train transport service in south Sweden has turned into train strike. Today it is the third day and people still do not know when it will end. Thousands of people who are dependent of the train traffic between Copenhagen and Malmoe do not feel good in this situation. People feel stressed and loose too much time. In some cases they simply stay at home waiting for better time so they can go back to the work. Many people maybe can loose their jobs and / or money. The government in Sweden seems to not care so much about this situation. What can happen? Can many people loose their jobs? Isn't this an issue for the whole society?   But Denmark cares! Denmark has arranged bus transport over the bridge so that people can come over to the normal working side. OresundBridge_Winter_005 The Oresund Bridge  - Image found at http://www.oresundsbron.com The bridge was built to create new opportunities and connect two European societies but this strike affects everyone on negative way.   Thank you Denmark because you care!

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