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Written by: Magazine Team on June 7, 2014.

It goes good for Russian economy

The crisis in Ukraine was expected to disturb Russian economy because of the sanctions started by USA and EU (West Europe). The German chancellor Angela Merkel was not so happy because of the situation and she didn't clearly express her will to punish Russia with the sanctions. Nowadays we can see that it has not been so dangerous for the Russian market. The Russian exchange has grown up with around 20% which means that it increased more than the others. IMG_1282 The Russian flag early in the morning in Ekaterinburg As it looks like, threre is a big number of companies in EU that cooperate with the companies in Russia so that makes them all dependent of eachother. The sanctions which are primary the American tool against Russia should not affect the market in this country so much since their economy also have big cooperation and many economical agreements with e.g. China.

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