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Written by: Magazine Team on March 17, 2021.

COVID-19: Living in the fear from the vaccine and virus

COVID-19: Living in the fear from the vaccine and virus. We hear how people who took the vaccine still can be infected or infect other people. Therefore we must ask ourselves following: Why should I let them do experiments with me?

We can take a look back one year after the Coronavirus affected us. We can ask ourselves now when we have a different lifestyle: What has happened? Do we remember our first reaction?

Many people have got infected and sick. Many have survived and many have remained long-time sick. And unfortunately many people have died. People are still very affected and live in danger.

What is this Covid-19 virus? Or, if we call it Coronavirus, what is it?

In our article Corona against life and business from last year we wrote that conspiracy theories were popular during the first months of 2020. We also wrote that Coronavirus is something that will change human lives and help the billionaires to be yet richer. The virus has changed our lives and creating the vaccine is a business where big and rich companies earn much money. More about it in this article: https://www.svt.se/nyheter/inrikes/sa-ska-lakemedelsbolagen-tjana-pengar-pa-vaccinet.

The vaccines

Vaccine from Moderna, Pfizer and AstraZeneca on one side and Russian Sputnik V vaccine on the other side. There are also vaccines from China and India. Different people prefer different vaccines.

But can we trust any? Since the Coronavirus and its mutations continue to develop we are not safe. We will have to get a new version of vaccine every time it is time for a change. It is like with computers. We must update them against security holes and people will have to take the vaccine against new version of Coronavirus. People are now targets for experiments and the vaccine has appeared to be useless according to different cases where people got troubles. We hear how people who took the vaccine still can be infected or infect other people. Therefore we must ask ourselves following:

Why should I let them do experiments with me? Are the countries going to force people to take vaccine by modifying the constitution?

Are the countries going to force people to take vaccine by modifying the constitution?

The fear

Living in the fear is our new reality because we do not know if we will remain free as before.

Are we talking about biological weapon or just an unusual kind of virus? We can read different articles and try to find the true answer. Two examples are:



Covid-19 might be a biological weapon and might not, but we will know more in the future. Those people who know the truth will not be able to keep the information hidden for ever. We will at least know after some years or decades. It will happen when all files with information about what really happened are open.

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