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Written by: Magazine Team on June 25, 2014.

Hate and threats instead of love and friendship!

Reading newspapers we can see many interesting things. We can see changes, positive and negative reactions. We can discover more but can we understand everything? The crisis in Ukraine  is still an open subject in all medias. Russia is still the bad guy and EU and USA are the good guys.  Medias are describing the Russian president Vladimir Putin as a bad man by writing something like this: "Putin seems to think that the peace is more attractive alternative for him, but he is still not ready to be humiliated. That is why he asked the Russian State Duma to stop the permission for possible military actions inside Ukraine." They do not even want to try, just try, to describe it like this: "Putin is after all not an evil man who wants the war (as maybe someone else is) - He would like to see the end of this miserable situation and create the peace again together with all people in Ukraine". At the same time the medias so are proud of American threats against Russia and we are back there again: hate and threats instead of love and friendship! The economy in USA is going in the positive direction. Our European Germany does not feel good because of some economical crisis in the EU and also in Germany and the business in Dubai has shown some negative signs. And medias and politicians still want to create more tensions between USA, EU and Russia. That does not sound very good.

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