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Written by: A.Beganovic on October 19, 2021.

Survived Covid-19 but what is next?

Survived Covid-19 but what is next? We have learned that keeping distance to each other seems to be a very good protection. What about the vaccines? Not everyone is granted full protection so let the people decide what to do.

What is Covid-19? What is Coronavirus? Actually many of us do not know that for sure. Some people know. And those who probably created it know it for sure. What does this virus do? How can we fight against it?

As an author and owner of this magazine but also as someone who survived Covid-19 I have decided to write a reportage about this.

Alcohol, face masks and keeping the distance help us protecting ourselves against Covid-19.


First of all we have learned that keeping distance to each other seems to be a very good protection. Then we must also keep in mind to clean our hands with alcohol very often. We also learned how to use face mask. And the fourth thing is vaccine. How much do we know about this ”vaccine”?

Well, the medical development goes forward. Different companies compete against each other and earning money plays an interesting role. When money is important, what else is more important?

Someone would say that human lives are more important than money. We are not going to play a true or false game here so we simply let every reader to decide what to think or feel.

This is how a positive test looks. It was done at PharmaUse in Malmo in Sweden. How was it to experience Corona?

Being positive

In the end of August 2021 I was sick and I tested myself. I did that because I lost taste and smell senses. I was positive and I had Covid-19. The Coronavirus was inside me. How was it? The two first nights I had high temperature and huge pain in my eyes. The third night I had much pain in my heart. It was some kind of pain that everyone can get when running fast and much. In this case I was not running. I was relaxed in the bed. Maybe it was a result of inside fight against this sharp and nasty virus.

When the strength and energy are gone it is best to stay in bed. Experiencing Corona requires respect for the virus.

During the first week I was very exhausted. I did not feel for anything but laying in the bed. I felt like all my strength was gone. All my energy disappeared. Eating food was like eating something without any smell or taste. It was absolutely neutral and emotionless experience.

The immune defence: Eating different vitamins can contribute to better health and resistance to the virus.

I ate different vitamins as I normally do each day but I also added some new. I was lucky because the virus did not attack me much harder. My breathing was not affected at all. It was not necessary to be at the hospital. My relatively good physical shape contributed to this better situation.


If we go back to vaccines now we can ask ourselves following:

Is any vaccine against Covid-19 really against this virus? Can it really cure the virus?

Since people must take it more than one time, the vaccine is not as a real vaccine should be. It is more just a liquid that alleviates the Covid-19 effect. And there are no guarantees for all cases. Not everyone is granted full protection. That is why this vaccine still might be just an experiment.

Survived Covid-19 but what is next? We must protect ourselves and we must do tests in some time intervals.

What is next? While waiting for better times we still live in fear. The Coronavirus as it is, still exists and will exist. It is created to be changed and to be able to adapt itself to the environment. People will some day and maybe not be able to repair this damage. Our hope can remain forever. The result of all vaccinations will be visible in some years.

The worst thing in this pandemic time is that vaccinated people build hate against non vaccinated people. They have their own reasons and they are therefore dangerous. Because of them the societies maybe decide to force other people to take the vaccine even though they do not offer any guarantees or financial compensations in case of death or other harmful side effects.

I survived Covid-19 and that makes me proud as a part of the evolution and natural selection.

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