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Written by: Magazine Team on November 18, 2021.

LED light strip decoration

LED light strip decoration. Now, especially in dark and cold November we need more light. Light is something we need and it can contribute to better feeling during the darkness.

Your ideas and your imagination can sometimes make changes. If you have a balcony or other kind of outer space at home maybe you want to make it more attractive. What about some kind of light decoration? Earlier in this magazine we wrote an article about Balcony – a space between home and the outside.

The theme was interior design in a space like balcony. We mentioned candles as a light solution and we still think that candles are nice to use. They are a part of a lifestyle and they will always be usable. This time, especially in dark and cold November we need more light. We are of course closer to December, Christmas and New Year and therefore we need some more challenges with lighting.

A very practical LED light strip decoration from IKEA. It is five meters long and it has different colors.

Light is something we need and it can contribute to better feeling during the darkness. It also can attract attention if we do it right. At IKEA we found a very practical LED light strip. It is five meters long and it has different colors. You can choose if you want to use one light at the time or if you want them to switch automatically.

What ever you choose this LED light strip is very useful and can make your time cozy or even magic. It is possible to use it both inside and outside so we have decided to do it on the glazed balcony. It is cold outside but with some right clothes, music in the background and maybe a glass of wine or champagne our experience can be better than expected.

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