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Written by: Magazine Team on July 2, 2014.

Coop Forum has buggy system!

Justfindit.se has had contact with a family who decided do shop at Coop Forum (one of Swedish biggest supermarket chains) in Malmoe. They are loyal customers at this company and they also have a "Medmera" customer card. With this card they have collected little bit over 500 points which means that they can choose to use this points as 500 SEK when paying next time. And that happened on June 29 around 2:00 PM in Malmoe. They were shopping for little bit more than 600 SEK and they hoped to use these saved 500 SEK (points) and only pay the difference. MedMera-kortet_RGB The image found at www.coop.se But unfortunately, Coop Forum system decided to offer something else. The family could not pay with the saved amount even though they used the right button "Use the saved amount" . They contacted the customer support directly at the place and no one could help them. They just did not want to understand how serious this was. The company simply has a buggy system! The family wrote an email to to the technicians (their online support) and they did not get any answer withing 48 hours. Three days after the incident the family called the Coop Forum support and they got the answer that the points/money will be back in about 15 days. Hopefully the story will get an happy end!  

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