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Written by: A.Beganovic on October 25, 2022.

Dreaming about marathon

Dreaming about marathon. Kilometers are easy to count but balancing strength and harmony of a body becomes more difficult for every new kilometer that comes after the endurance limit.

The challenge as it is does not sound as something impossible. Many people have managed many marathons and many people have given up. Giving up the first attempt is nothing strange. It happens and it will happen in future but that doesn’t mean that there will be no new attempts.

As an author and owner of this magazine, I have decided to write a reportage about how a dream can become a reality.

I have never been in love with running. During the last ten years this kind of sport has always been challenging or even difficult. Since the beginning of 2020 it has turned in to something else. It actually has become a part of my life.

Dreaming about marathon - A standard 5 kilometers run in the city. Training is important to create a good endurance.

The running story

Running and counting kilometers has become my passion even though it is not my favorite one. During the whole 2020 I ran 98 kilometers and during the whole 2021 230 kilometers in total. My next challenge was to reach 350 kilometers during the whole 2022. It seemed difficult or impossible but it was doable with good planning.

In the beginning of this month my running reached 501 kilometers and I decided to take a break. At this point many ideas were flying around in my head. What is the next goal? Is it to run one hundred more?

The story did not end there. This year I managed three half marathons. The first one in the city. The second one of them I was running from Malmö to Lund, an another city close to Malmö. The third one was as a part of the attempt to run 30 kilometers. I actually managed 28 kilometers that time.

Dreaming about marathon - Running 28 kilometers, which is a half marathon and some kilometers more.

The break in October was a very good opportunity to think, decide and plan a next step. And I did so. I bought a ticket to Copenhagen Marathon 2023. In connection to that decision I also decided to run a 35 kilometers route. That should improve my strength and my endurance.

Dreaming about marathon - The ticket to Copenhagen Marathon 2023 was bought. It might become a reality.

Long distance challenge

When did I plan to take that challenge? Waiting for good weather was my intention. In October it is not that easy to experience good weather enough so the first best opportunity had to be taken.

Dreaming about marathon - How much water is needed? Here we can see experienced water consumption.

A long run requires water and after my last long run it was proven that three small bottles of water were not enough. Therefore I decided to take one more just in case I needed more. Drinking water is needed but it requires careful drinking. A tired and exhausted body might give false signals which make us drinking more than we actually need.

Dreaming about marathon - A planned 35 kilometers run was postponed while waiting for better weather.

Running the 35 kilometers run was postponed because of the weather. As I mentioned before in this article, it is difficult to find a good opportunity in October. The air is moist and it can be hard to manage a run when it is not warm enough. For shorter distances it is not a problem but the longer ones require better temperature. In October it can also be difficult to find appropriate combination of clothes.

Balance and harmony

Kilometers are easy to count but balancing strength and harmony of a body becomes more difficult for every new kilometer that comes after the endurance limit. If you are able to create and manage that balance and harmony you will be able to feel how your body carries you. Running might be difficult sometimes but as an experienced runner I can tell you to consider some running challenges even though they seem to be impossible.

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