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Written by: Magazine Team on September 14, 2023.

A bike - how do you say it in German?

A bike - how do you say it in German? When you know an extra language, you can assimilate more easily into a society.

Languages belong to something interesting and useful. Knowing one or more languages can help us much and it can make it easier to communicate with other people. There is though a language which is used and spoken by many people.

We are talking about English. It is accepted as an international language. We could actually claim that it is understood that people world wide should understand it and be able to use it.

Do we need other languages then? Is it necessary to learn e.g. German if we do not live or if we just temporarily live in Germany, Austria or in Switzerland? It is actually a little open question. Depending on what we work with in Germany, maybe we do not need to learn German. However it would make it much easier for us and people around us if we learned that language.

A bike - how do you say it in German? Ein Fahrrad is the right word.

When you know an extra language, you can assimilate more easily into a society. Having communication in a local language is probably much more appreciated than using a third party language.

English is a perfect tool and it opens many doors, but you will hopefully feel more successful if you use the word Fahrrad instead of bike in Germany. Knowing and managing a foreign language is a success.

Reaching that success is not easy. It requires patience and time. Having a dream only is OK but it is not enough. It is important to write, read and listen and it is also very good if we try to communicate in that new language on almost daily basis. Trying to say or write something in the new language is a perfect start.

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