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Written by: A.Beganovic on November 12, 2014.

The Universe is a part of an endless space

This article will present an another point of view which hopefully can be an interesting way of thinking about the Universe and what it is. Everything I write is based on my experience from scientific TV programs and knowledge that I got during all forms of educations in last 36 years in combination with my passion for the Universe. The Big Bang Many scientists and many people believe in something called Big Bang. They have a special picture of what it is and as I understand that picture shows a simple explanation of what Universe is. I do not care about that Big Bang in this article. I will present an own theory which can include Big Bang as a part of it. Everything is a part of something else As we all know, we are surrounded by different particles, e.g. atoms and molecules. They are part of everything. We can think like this: "Everything is a part of something else". To simplify how it works I will just write down some points: - Protons, electrons and neutrons are part of the atoms. - Atoms are part of the molecules. - Molecules are part of us and all other objects as planets, stars, meteors and so on. - A planet as Earth is a part of a bigger system as our Solar System. - The Solar System together with other possible solar systems is a part of some galaxy. - A galaxy together with other galaxies is a part of the Universe. - The Universe is automatically a part of something else, some huge space that probably contains similar universes or another type of spaces. The scientists are talking about the parallel universes. I do not think that we have those parallel universes with the copies of us but as I just wrote, I am sure that there are other universes. The Galaxies implodes and explodes Also as we know the galaxies dies and at the same time the become born again but in some different form. They live a long time and they implode which means that everything in the galaxies move in to the central part of the galaxy and then it is thrown out on the other side. It is a huge explosion in which we can see many new object being created. E.g. new stars and planets - the new solar systems. The Universe implodes and explodes The same as above happens with the universes - that is at least how I see it. That is so clear and obvious that we have similarities there. The Big Bang is actually that explosion that happens after the implosion. That would mean that our Universe lived on the other side before and then it experienced the implosion which gave us this new existance. When a galaxy or an universe dies during the implosion then we can see something called black holes. That is also something very popular and easy to accept when you can understand the strenght of an implosion. universe-collapse Image source: www.dvice.com I think that the Universe will implode again and through the new implosion we will disappear and give some new life on the other side. (Of course the life only can be created if all circumstances for it are fulfilled.) What can happen if some universes crashes with each other during this implosion/explosion process? It could be same situation as when two galaxies crash with each other. It could cause problems for or stop the developing of some new universe. We are talking about huge distances and the probability to experience some crash between two ore more universes is not that big. On the other side, a crash can create some new possibilities to get everything that is needed for a creation of some new universe. So, reading this article it can now be interesting to ask: What created that big space with all universes inside? The simple answer is: probably Nothing because the absolute Universe as the huge space containing an undetermined number of universes, including ours,  looks like it is endless. And as we already have an endless term in mathematics we should be able to understand that it is something possible. In theory it would be very strange if we accepted some another limited form or explanation of the creation of the Universe and also the Universe inside some undefined closed space. The Universe is born and will die, exactly as all life in it.

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