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Written by: A.Beganovic on June 29, 2016.

Russia with Love

Russia with Love: Three years ago I was in Russia with my mother and brother. Beautiful Russia is not a danger. They simply want to live in harmony with the rest of Europe. Now when it is very sensitive talking about the European Union, Great Britain and the destiny of the union we also hear many negative words against Vladimir Putin, the Russian president. We can hear evil expressions like "Putin is happy", "Putin has reached his goal" and so on. The danger here is brainwashing. The West European medias, influenced by American way of thinking are throwing oil in the fire. But why? Is anyone able to explain why, and how come that Putin can decide the destiny of the European Union? The real content of this article is something else, actually I want to refresh the memories. Three years ago I was in Russia with my mother and brother and that nation and their country have given us a great time. We took the train from Moscow to Beijing in China and we stayed one night and day in each of the Russian cities Yekaterinburg and Irkutsk. That was a great experience. People in Russia are poor but it is because of the circumstances that we have in the world. It is clear to everyone that many politicians in the west world want to humiliate Russia by pressing the country with all possible sanctions. By writing ten articles in this magazine I have described the great adventure and you can find it in the True Story. russia with love Image is found at www.newmoscowtravel.com . Russia with Love - I feel some kind of extra love and that is why I want to express it. Russia with Love - When I hear so much hate directed towards Russia in our European Union I feel some kind of extra love and that is why I want to express it. Russia is not a danger, they want to live together with the rest of Europe. We all need a harmony! The European Union can accuse Putin how much they want but in one earlier article in this magazine you can read more about the battle field that probably has caused the situation that we have today. Maybe it is time for the European Union to split. (In this article you can see little more.) As one German wrote at Facebook: Great Britain has chosen to leave us instead of trying to solve the problem together with us. But when Croatia and Slovenia decided to leave Yugoslavia instead of trying to solve all internal problems then no one cared. Who cares today?

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