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Written by: A.Beganovic on April 16, 2020.

I am Legend

I am Legend. It is my pleasure to get presented on this way, on my birthday. It is not so easy to get everything written in here but it is worth giving it a try. It is also sad to see that we live with deadly Covid-19 nowadays.

As an author and owner of this magazine, I have decided to present myself through this article, this interview. That is some kind of my birthday present to all my readers. The questions are professionally created as the result of long writing experience.

What question would you like to begin with?

Please, this is your interview. Take the easiest one. Do not forget that it is my birthday today!

Wow is that true? Happy birthday then! Why did you decide to contribute with your answers?

Well, you asked me and I said: Yes. It is my pleasure to get presented on this way. I feel that everyone who reads this will get know me better.

Do you feel that people do not know you?

Many people do know me. Many people love me for who I am. But sometimes people need a refreshment. They need to get the signal: Hey, I am here. Did you forget me?

We all need that kind of attention sometimes. Tell me, what in your life are you most proud of?

I am not able to pick one thing only. There are persons, actions, things and experiences that make me proud of them and proud of myself. My son for example makes me feel like a proud father. My wife of course also gives me special feelings. My parents and my brother... Here I do not have space enough to write everything.

What are you not proud of?

People who are not reliable. But their value in my existence is so low so we can jump over this question.

You love science. You are an engineer. Is there any explainable connection between your title and your passion?

Maybe a little because my engineering studies started with different levels of mathematics and physics. But in real life not, because my profession is web development/programming and my passion are different scientific programmes and articles. Mostly those about the Universe and life but also other where I can se both theoretical and practical explanation.

What about religion? Does that have any importance to you?

I am an atheist. I actually open doors to everything that can be proved both in theory and in real life. I love to understand and I prefer to know instead of believing in something. So I experience religion only as something that belongs to the history.

Politics, what about that?

Social democracy is the perfect one solution for well functioning countries. But when we reach a point where that perfection is abused then we must change thinking, at least for a period. We must give a chance to other ideas that maybe can repair what is harmed.

You are originally from ex Yugoslavia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Sarajevo more exactly. Since 1992 you live in Sweden. How would you present yourself?

That is true. I have lived in Sweden in 28 years and on Balkans in 14 years. I think like people in Sweden and West Europe. I feel like a regular Swede or any other EU citizen. Sweden is my country. I have my life, my family and my own company here. Denmark is my other country. I have been working there, at the world’s best company, since 2007. That is my home. I have nothing in common with Balkans any more. Just nice memories and some family and dear old friends who I am happy to have.

You work full time as technical support in Denmark and you also work as web developer at spare time. Writing is your hobby. You are the owner of this magazine. Why do you write?

Yes you are absolutely right. Writing is not just a hobby. It is a big passion. Simple answer: I do it because I can. More concrete answer: Actually I enjoy writing and creating all articles. I have written different kind of articles, connected to e.g. science, IT, business, lifestyle. Everything is based on facts and experience and I try to avoid taking information from others. My magazine is not a copy of something. It is unique. Everything started with the search engine Justfindit.se and I decided to create this magazine and connect it to the search engine. It is a successful project even though it does not look so. There are too many obstacles and a top success will be difficult or impossible to reach.

I am legend
I am Legend. The image is taken by Sebastian H in June 2019 in Copenhagen.

What article is your favourit?

Three-body system and life in Universe! I had contact via email with a solar scientist from NASA. I described what I was thinking about and that was treated with respect which made me proud of it. The scientist somehow connected my idea to the Alpha Centauri system and a planet found there. It was a big thing for me! There are other articles too, such as Dachstein – the view from above or Making love with Europe but this one is special. You can also read my Trans-Siberian railway stories. My first interview article with Andreas Djember is also amazing and inspiring! That is why I now write this one.

Have we missed something now? Boat! You are a boat owner, tell us more?

Yes of course. I own a simple boat with electro motor which is very good for environment. My closest friends call me Kapten. It started when one of those friends said to me: Salute Kapten when we met after I bought the boat. (That resulted in an article too: Salute Captain! – As someone said .) So I enjoy being on water and also under the water.

Your mother is a medical doctor and father military officer. Why didn't you choose the same way to go?

I have never been so interested in becoming something as they are. Or maybe I was not mature enough to decide that at that time. Later on I got other ideas instead. Such as web development and writing. Maybe that was my life mistake and maybe not.

Do you have any dreams? Is there anything special you would like to experience?

I already have experienced very much but of course I have dreams. I would like to sail over the Atlantic ocean towards Hawaii and Fiji. I would also like to go up to Mount Everest. I would also like to experience being outside of our athmosphere and experience more of the Universe.

That was really great dreams! It seems like you do not have so many regular dreams left. However, what do you think about the Universe, what is it?

I have written something about it in an article. Everything in the Universe is a part of something so the logical explanation is that the Universe is a part of something else, something huge. Let the science lead us into the right direction so we can know more.

What is your favourite city?

I have more than one. München, Copenhagen, Stockholm and also the area between Salzburg and Graz in Austria.

Well, I do not come on any new question. Thank you very much for this interview!

Thank you, I hope that the readers will enjoy! And please be careful with Covid-19 - keep the distance!

That's it folks. It is so great to publish this article.

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