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Written by: Magazine Team on August 17, 2016.

Articles - your reading pleasure

Articles - your reading pleasure. Different people love different types of articles and subject described in them but they also react differently when talking about new fresh updates and short or long articles. Nowadays and since many years, almost all newspapers, magazines and similar information sources have their online versions. It is about the lifestyle. Modern online reader or a traditional newspaper reader. In some cases the online version can be experienced as easier for reading or as easier contact with some information source but from another point of view we can say that reading a newspaper has lost its special experience, like sitting on the chair and browsing in newspaper while drinking a cup of coffee. The true is that reading a real newspaper does not provide us with new fresh updates whole time as an online version does but there is nothing that says that those updates are important. They just make us dependent of the Internet. They control us and that is something that can be defined as false freedom. More about the Internet and freedom you can read in an earlier article: Is Internet our freedom?. Today we talk about scrolling pages on the screen. We click and we move our mouse pointer or we press the mouse and scroll. It is not as it was before. We can click away from the real reading pleasure. Especially if it is long articles containing to much information. articles The image is found at www.defamationremovalattorneysblog.com - Mobile phone, iPad and the real newspaper. Before it was a real pleasure holding a real newspaper in our hands and reading with short relaxing breaks. If we found some intersting information we could underline it with a pen. We could jump over it and come back to it later. Can a short article give as enough information as a long article does? Different people love different types of articles and subject described in them but they also react differently when talking about short or long articles.
Can a short article give as enough information as a long article does? Probably yes if the content is connected to some information that we already know, but if it is about something totaly new then it would not be enough with some short article.
In that case, if we found the content interesting we would probably read it with pleasure even if it is long. However enjoy your reading and do not forget to disconnect from Internet sometimes!

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