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Justfindit.se TV Media Journalism 
Posted on February 23, 2025.
10 articles left until a big milestone
10 articles left until a big milestone. Do you have any idea what milestone we are talking about? As our reader or follower, you maybe know. As our reader, you probably have noticed that something[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
The World Lifestyle 
Posted on February 17, 2025.
Sportlov - the school holiday in Sweden
Sportlov - the school holiday in Sweden. The time when families from different regions in Sweden can enjoy their winter time together. Every year, the young Swedes get one week long holiday. It is[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Internet Websites 
Posted on February 11, 2025.
A satisfied website owner
A satisfied website owner. Can you manage being it yourself or do you need a developer or web designer for taking care if it? Who are you? Do you own a website or are you thinking about having one[...]
Written by: IT Team
Posted on February 5, 2025.
Vacuum cleaning now and then
Vacuum cleaning now and then. What can we say about robot vacuum cleaners now and then? Let us share some experience. In one of our earlier articles (Robot or regular vacuum cleaner?) we wrote abo[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Posted on January 30, 2025.
The Dry 100 challenge
The Dry 100 challenge. In this article we are writing about a positive encouragement that can contribute a better lifestyle. What do you think about, when you feel that you maybe have done too muc[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Posted on January 24, 2025.
The training break
The training break. What can happen when we pause our training habits? How does the time affect us during that break? Let us check it out. Do you see yourself as a person who love doing sports? Ma[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
TV Media Journalism 
Posted on January 18, 2025.
Moonfall movie - Sci-Fi or exaggeration?
Moonfall movie - Sci-Fi or exaggeration? The realistic movies can be great, but on the other side we have those that can be bad and boring. Where do limits of a good Sci-Fi movie go? That question[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Cities The World 
Posted on January 12, 2025.
Ulricehamn and skiing 2024/2025
Ulricehamn and skiing 2024/2025. Foggy and wet weather in December 2024. How was the start of 2025? The first days of January have given us some hope but unfortunately, we do not know what to expect.[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Science The World 
Posted on January 6, 2025.
Remembering the past
Remembering the past. How do we choose what to remember? What time frames can be valuable to look back in time? The time goes and sometimes it runs away very fast. Maybe it flies away or simply fl[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
Justfindit.se TV Media Journalism 
Posted on December 31, 2024.
The annual look back 2024 - what was published?
The annual look back 2024 - what was published? Every year we really try to write about something new. Let's see some details from this year. No articles about marathons and no articles about ski[...]
Written by: Magazine Team
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