Do you see yourself as a person who love doing sports? Maybe just a simple running? This article maybe is something for you. If you run often, on daily or weekly basis, then you have some kind of schedule. We can also call it a habit.
Our sport habits can develop to something better if we enjoy what we are doing. That is what we wrote in an earlier article. It is though important that we sometimes get some new inspiring or stimulating source of encouragement. Yes, we wrote that too. We can follow our running habits with e.g. apps like in this article: The Strava app and our lifestyle.
What happens when we take a break and interrupt our running habit? We have actually analyzed how it is to be exposed to that kind of break. Breaks are good and they are needed. Our body is not an engine even if we sometimes think that its endurance can be unlimited. What break is a break and what break is a sign of laziness?
Our analysis did show us following: The first week is wonderful. The second one is just like a prolonged enjoyment. Then we have week three and four. They are like our excuses: I am resting and preparing to start running again in any moment. The following weeks, those from week five, are becoming more dangerous. As time goes, we can feel lazier and more hopeless, but also feel some panic. What happens with me? Where is my running stimulation and inspiration?
Do you, as runner recognize yourself in this article? The analysis is based on the own experience but also discussion with other fellow athletes on similar level. Of course, the numbers of the weeks mentioned here can vary in different cases and they all can lead to a new training soreness as a result of good and new training. We published an article about it exactly one year ago.